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Adaptive Typing Tutor"Adaptive Typing Tutor" is an educational program on touch typing in Bulgarian and English languages. It is an open source multiplatform program, which is registered on the famous site for open source projects sourceforge.net at the address: sourceforge.net/projects/typing-tutor. This program has been created, maintained and renewed thanks to you - people who find the program needed and useful. The most practical way to show you want the program to be of better quality is to make a donation, but also, you can help by:
Concerning the program, you could directly write to me here. Download (download)Features"Adaptive Typing Tutor" can be compiled and used in each of the three operational systems: Windows, Linux и Mac OS X. This is how the program looks like in the operating system in which it has been already compiled:
The program can be expanded with training materials for study in different types of keyboards and languages. The interface can be translated (up to now it is available in Bulgarian and English). In the programme are set some types of texts for writing:
After each push of a key "Adaptive Typing Tutor" counts the number of pushes, percentage of errors, speed of writing and others and shows them right away. Results after completion of each test are kept and can be seen as a diagram. Even if you have a command of professional typewriting, if you want to practise for speed and accuracy, "Adaptive Typing Tutor" is for you, too. ForthcomingThe program will be complemented soon with:
In order to help me to accomplish these goals, show initiative. See also the Version history.
Adaptive typing tutor
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.: Last change: 21 January 2018 | Opinions about this page :.